Thursday, June 14, 2012

Once upon a time in the Life of Television Sets- Amadou Mbow

Amadou Mbow Journalism 110 Elizabeth A.
Rognes Final project paper 

 Once Upon a time in the life of Television sets 
First television set created
One of the most popular inventions of 21st century has been surrounded by controversies. Television, which has become an important part of our lives, is a result of several discoveries. Early development stages of television witnessed various inventors who employed combination of electronic, optical and mechanical technologies for capturing, transferring and broadcasting visual images. Towards the end of 1800s, images were transferred through fax machine for the first time. After the telephone came into being, electrically powered transmission of moving TV images, known as the Telephonoscope, was started. People who wrote science fiction believed that light would pass through wires like sound some day. And many people have worked hard to offer this amazing instrument of entertainment to the world. Revolutionary works of people like, Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry in 1831, launching of the Pantelegraph by Abbe Caselli and works by inventors and scientists such as Sheldon Bidwell, George Carey, Edison, Bell and Eugene Goldstein, all helped to the invention of Nipkow. Paul Gottlieb Nipkow from Germany developed rotating disc technology known as Nipkow disc. In 1884, this young student patented electromagnetic TV system, using the scanning disk with various holes moving in circles to the center, for the purpose of converting images into pixels. Holes on the disk were situated at equal angles in a way that the disc allowed light to pass through each hole in one rotation over a device called the light receptive selenium sensor that produced electrical pulses. But the design could only be used for transmission of halftone images. After some decades, in 1920s, a Scottish inventor named John Baird patented the technology that used various transparent rods for broadcasting images to be viewed and delivered on TV sets. John clarified that his patented technology was based on Nipkow’s invention.

First ever television broadcast
    He transmitted first ever televised images of moving objects, human faces and real time moving entities in the years 1924, 1925 and 1926. Baird was the first person to invent Phonovision, video recording ability. By using audio recording, he made output signals of TV camera, down to audio range while capturing signals on wax audio discs. Some of his recordings stayed alive and were decoded to pictures in 1990s with signal processing technologies. In the year 1926, Hungarian engineer named Kalman Tihanyi also designed Television that showcased fully electronic display and scanning elements. This instrument used principle of the charge storage in scanning tube. And the invention was soon followed by mirror drum based TV by a Russian Inventor named Leon Theremin in 1927. Herbert Ives from the Bell Labs transferred moving images from 50 apeture disk. Philo Farnsworth, the electronic inventor discovered earliest electronic television.
Paul Nipkow- First invented the television

              He made a TV system that offered electronic scanning of display and pickup services. In year 1927, he achieved almost double resolution compared to Baird. Philo transmitted dollar sign image that comprised of around 60 horizontal lines. He displayed his invention in front of press in September 1928. In 1938, Werner Flechsig, a German engineer revealed his television called shadow mask color T. And in year 1939, TV was first displayed at the World Fair at New York and International Exposition at San Francisco. In year 1938, TV set manufacturing was by Dumont Company and within a short while, became the standards for all TVs. In year 1946 after Dumont created a network for selling TVs, the company’s TV network became world’s first network. Under the guidance of Peter Goldmark, he helped these scientists produce mechanical color TV based on Baird’s designs in 1940. Goldsmark showed his color TV system in 1946. His TV set worked with the help of blue, green and red wheel spin. In year 1948, around one million television sets were sold in United Stated. Pennsylvanian mountains started using cable TV that was known as CATV in year 1940. Earliest color TV was commercially showed by FCC in 1953. First ever TV control known as Lazy Bones was introduced in 1950 by Zenith Corporation and American homes started using this in 1956.
Televisions from the 80s and 90s
Television has now become one of most important sources for 
Televisions of today
entertainment for a lot of us. It works as a companion and entertainer each day. Starting from black and whites, Television has transformed completely. 3D TV is latest edition to world of entertainment. It takes the viewer to a new world where objects seem realistic and in the face. This technology creates an illusion of viewing TV not just from a single angle but various angles. Has infrared emitters, 3D technology TVs are offering great experiences to the users. Not only in terms of viewing experience, TV has moved on also in terms of looks and features too. The latest LEDs also have great audio and video clarity which helps improve the delight of viewers. The best part about these televisions is that they consume much less energy as compared to the old ones. Savings in electricity bills have persuaded people to invest in these televisions. These features such as being ultra thin and sleek look of this TVs allow the users to decorate the living rooms or even bedrooms in any corner of the place. Also with USB ports, one can easily watch movies or view other videos by connecting the device through TV. Whether it is LED or the 3D TV, TV viewing experience for the users have improved leaps and bounds. These same televisions, helped widespread of news information concerning the September 11 attacks on the world trade center in the city of New York.
People watching the horror of 9/11

9/11 attacks on the news
This was one intense and tragic incidence which the broadcast over the television made it more easier to understand and see what was going on. The television during this time of horror brought New York City and the twin towers to the homes of individuals all over the world and live action as some of these bombings were occurring helped made the scene more realistic than it would be if it were only being broadcasted over the radio or another medium that couldn't be seen. The reason the television played an important role in this attacks was that, it helped make it more realistic and lively. There has been remarkable improvement in the television since the time it was first launched. And the development has not stopped; there is a lot to come in near future too.

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